Home How to Cure Rheumatoid Arthritis Permanently

How to Cure Rheumatoid Arthritis Permanently

Permanent Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Comprehensive Guide

by Jaden Brown
7 minutes read
Informative article of a 50 year old lady sitting at her kitchen table with an arthritic hand.

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Please consult with medical doctors and healthcare experts to determine the best approach for your individual needs.

When considering RA, the term “cure” is somewhat elusive. Currently, there is no known cure for RA, but with early and aggressive treatment, it is possible to achieve remission, where patients experience no signs of active inflammation. The definition of “cure” in RA is a subject of debate; some professionals might refer to sustained remission as the closest equivalent to a cure.

The ongoing pursuit of a cure drives research into understanding the underlying causes of RA and developing new treatments. The future may hold novel therapies that could more precisely target the immune system or even reverse the autoimmune processes at the core of the disease. Until then, the focus remains on optimizing management strategies to improve the lives of those with RA.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) causes the immune system to mistakenly attack the body’s own tissues, resulting in chronic joint inflammation and pain. Left unmanaged, this autoimmune disorder can not only impact mobility through deformity and damage but may also lead to systemic issues impacting overall health. At the root of RA is inflammation of the synovium – the delicate membrane lining the joints. This inflammatory process thickens the synovium over time, eventually destroying nearby cartilage and bone. 

Unlike osteoarthritis stemming from natural wear and tear, RA occurs when the immune system loses tolerance, infiltrating the synovium. While the precise triggers remain unclear, genetics and external influences like environment and hormones likely contribute to this misguided immune response defining the disorder.

The symptoms of RA are not uniform; they can fluctuate in severity, sometimes entering periods of increased activity, known as flares, followed by periods of remission. Some individuals may experience RA differently, but the common signs include joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and a lack of energy. Recognizing these symptoms early on can be influential in managing the disease’s progression.

How is Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosed?

Diagnosing RA can be challenging since its early symptoms often mimic those of other diseases. To pinpoint RA, healthcare professionals take a multifaceted approach. A thorough medical history is obtained first, and then there is a joint-focused physical examination. 

Swelling, warmth, and redness in the joints indicate possible rheumatoid arthritis, though testing can help confirm. Blood work screens for autoantibodies like rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP, are detectable in many cases. Inflammatory markers such as ESR and CRP levels may also rise with disease activity. 

Imaging technologies contribute as well – X-rays, ultrasounds, and MRIs allow assessment of joint degradation over time. However, radiological exams sometimes yield normal results even in established RA, especially early on. Likewise, the absence of autoantibodies does not rule out the diagnosis. An aggregation of clinical evidence is evaluated, not sole reliance on any single test, as doctors weigh symptoms, markers, and imaging to determine an RA diagnosis.

Treatment Approaches for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Informative image of 50 year old woman getting medication from a pharmacist.

A realistic view of RA treatment acknowledges variability, as there exists no singular solution for all cases. Management usually blends medication, routine changes, and potentially surgery. Primary aims center around easing suffering, diminishing inflammation, preventing harm to joints and tissues, and assisting the regeneration of physical capacities and well-being overall. 

Tailored plans account for individual conditions, targeting symptom relief while forestalling deterioration. Such comprehensive, multi-pronged tactics reflect the complexity confronting those living with rheumatoid arthritis daily.


Controlling rheumatoid arthritis usually demands a strategic combination of medications tailored to each case. Prescriptions work through various mechanisms intended to alleviate distressing symptoms while potentially slowing joint damage over the progression of the disease. 

By carefully adhering to a physician’s guidelines about proper dosages and potential side effects, multi-drug treatment regimens can dramatically reduce tender swollen joints and sustain mobility long-term. While medicines are an indispensable part of modern rheumatoid arthritis management, patients also play a role through open communication, lifestyle participation, and commitment to comprehensive long-term care.

Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs)

At the core of RA treatment lie disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). Their defining feature – apart from easing suffering- involves decelerating disease course, thereby sparing joints and tissues lifelong harm. Primarily prescribed options feature traditional DMARDs such as methotrexate, leflunomide, sulfasalazine, and hydroxychloroquine. Of these, methotrexate stands out as an initial treatment due to its security and capacity for therapeutic influence. 

Designated to lower inflammation while preserving personal health now and long term, DMARDs comprise a foundation others are sometimes constructed.

Biological treatments

Biologic agents, which are typically used in conjunction with DMARDs, represent a newer class of DMARDs that includes infliximab, rituximab, adalimumab, etanercept, and others. These drugs are made from living organisms or their products and target specific pathways of the immune response. They are typically prescribed for individuals who have not responded to traditional DMARDs. 

By zeroing in on specific parts of the immune system, biologic DMARDs prevent the inflammation that can cause joint and tissue damage.

JAK inhibitors

Another subclass of medications for RA is JAK inhibitors, such as tofacitinib and baricitinib. These drugs block Janus kinase (JAK) pathways, which are involved in the body’s immune response. JAK inhibitors can be an option for those who cannot take biologic DMARDs or for whom biologics have been ineffective.

Medicine to Relieve Pain

When lifestyle adjustments and alternative therapies provide insufficient relief from rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, prescribed pharmaceuticals enter the treatment plan. Pharmacological options aim to reduce inflammation, relax tense joints, ease discomfort, and hopefully slow disease progression over the long run. It’s important to fully understand recommended medications as determined by a rheumatologist. 

Some work to suppress the immune system while others target specific inflammation-causing molecules. By carefully following a doctor’s guidance regarding prescriptions, dosages, and potential side effects, many RA patients experience substantial pain reduction and greater mobility. 

While drugs require ongoing monitoring and may need adjusting as illness fluctuates, they offer valuable improvement to the quality of life when taken judiciously as one piece of a multi-pronged treatment approach.


Pain relief for RA patients is often achieved through analgesics. Acetaminophen is commonly used for mild pain without inflammation, while opioids may be prescribed for more severe pain. It is crucial, however, to use opioids cautiously due to their potential for addiction.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Working to alleviate suffering, NSAIDs diminish joint pain and swelling whether obtained over-the-counter as ibuprofen or naproxen or via prescription in more robust forms. Both approved and accessible treatment stands ready to quell inflammation-driven discomfort through chemical interference, granting RA patients means for improved mobility and quality of life.


Corticosteroids like prednisone can promptly curb agony and swelling while also slowing degeneration, but such options entail liabilities that preclude enduring applications. Through leveraging the anti-inflammatory impacts, a short regimen alleviates acute episodes, yet long-term intake risks weakened bone, shifts in mass, or metabolic irregularities. 

Thus, while corticosteroids demonstrate a clear facility to quieten distress temporarily, care guides restricted use to avoid potential difficulties with perpetual intake.


In addition to lifestyle changes, medications, and alternative remedies, hands-on therapies frequently bridge the gap between pharmaceutical intervention and full symptom relief for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. The goal is to extend the range of motion, preserve function, reduce discomfort, and delay crippling mobility issues as the disease progresses.

Adhering to recommended self-management programs and therapy homework further reinforces clinical efforts to maximize well-being. Seeking out guidance from a skilled therapist and sticking diligently to prescribed home exercises amplifies treatment success over the ongoing journey of rheumatoid arthritis management.


Regular physiotherapy can improve flexibility, strengthen muscles around the joints, and prevent further damage. Therapists can teach exercises tailored to individual needs, which can help improve overall function.

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy helps people with RA perform everyday activities with greater ease. Therapists show patients how to protect joints, employ assistive devices to make daily tasks less stressful on the joints, and suggest modifications in the home and workplace to accommodate for limitations.


When RA affects the feet, podiatry can provide relief. Podiatrists can recommend suitable footwear and custom orthotics to improve foot function and minimize discomfort.


In some severe cases where medication and therapy are insufficient to alleviate symptoms or slow disease progression, surgery may be considered. Surgical interventions can relieve pain, improve joint function, and ultimately enhance the quality of life for RA patients.

Finger, hand, and wrist surgery

If RA severely affects fingers, hands, or wrists, procedures such as joint replacements, tendon repair, or synovectomy may be necessary. These surgeries help to restore hand function and relieve pain.


Arthroscopy carries out minimally intrusive intervention, employing an infused camera to tidy or mend harmed structures. This approach enhances role while postponing necessitation for stronger operations. At extreme deterioration, replenishing the ruined with metal or synthetic substitutes reestablishes mobilities and soothes agony.

Joint replacement

Most typical among people coping with RA are hip and knee substitutions, yet alternate joints equally accept replacement to salvage functionality. Both strategies aim to better capacity and ease suffering when conservative alternatives prove insufficient against sustained harm.

Lifestyle Approaches and Complementary Therapies

Besides medical interventions, making healthy lifestyle adjustments can have a considerable impact on managing RA. These include regular exercise, which helps maintain joint flexibility and muscle strength and practicing stress relief techniques to avoid exacerbating inflammation due to stress.

Nutritional supplements and dietary changes

While no diet can cure RA, certain foods might help to reduce inflammation and improve symptoms. Nutritional supplements like fish oil (which contains omega-3 fatty acids) and plant oils (like borage seed oil) may also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Complementary therapies

Some RA patients have reported that complementary therapies such as tai chi, yoga, massage, and acupuncture help with their symptoms; however, there is not much conclusive scientific data to support these practices.

Final Thoughts

Rheumatoid arthritis presents a complex challenge for both patients and doctors. While a permanent cure remains to be discovered, significant advancements in treatment options provide hope and relief. The combination of medications, therapies, lifestyle modifications, and support systems can lead to a fulfilling life despite this chronic condition. Staying informed, proactive, and resilient in the face of RA is essential for managing this disease to the best of one’s abilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can I expect to live with rheumatoid arthritis? 

While RA can impact life expectancy due to complications, many people with RA can live a normal lifespan, especially with early and effective treatment. It’s crucial to work closely with healthcare providers to manage the condition.

Can diet affect rheumatoid arthritis symptoms? 

Although no specific diet can prevent or treat RA, some foods have been shown to fight inflammation, strengthen bones, and boost the immune system, potentially improving RA symptoms. Consult with a dietitian or healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Is exercise safe for people with rheumatoid arthritis? 

Exercise is generally safe and beneficial for individuals with RA, as it can strengthen the muscles around the joints, help maintain bone strength, and improve overall health. It’s important to discuss with a healthcare provider what types of exercise are best.

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